3 Ingenious Storage Spaces For Your Wonderful Book Collection

All the bugs aside, we wish every single person would be bitten by the reading bug! Books have to be one of the best things, if not the very best thing, that’s happened to the world.

Do you love reading as much as we do? And do you collect books like it were a currency - the most important one? If you do, we have, not just one or two, but three perfect ideas for you to both store and display your unmatchable collection!

Along the Staircase Walls 

With every step you take, you will have the ultimate scenery - books, books, and more books! Instead of putting pictures on the walls along your staircase, put in a few shelves and decorate them with books. Furniture manufacturers in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kochi, and almost every other city are often teaming up with interior designers to bring in this concept in both newly-built and renovated houses.

High Shelf

It’s storage that doesn’t get in the way! A high shelf with books - especially the ones you’ve already read - would be a great idea. It will serve the purpose of storage, display your awesome collection, and these would be books that you don’t need every day. Believe us, efficient storage doesn’t get better than this!

Behind the Doors

We always ignore the little wall space right behind the doors, don’t we? You might not have space for a traditional bookcase - one where you keep books upright with their spines facing you. But, you can have one of the many expert furniture manufacturers install small shelves for you. You should be able to store books with their covers facing you. These shelves might be able to hold books no bigger than a paperback, but so be it! Think of the ‘Recommended Books’ section that you saw the last time you visited a Finallybig bookstore; that’s a pretty exact picture of how your walls behind the doors should look like. Efficient storage space, don’t you think?


We were always told in our childhood, books are our best friends. And as we’ve grown, this quote has proven its worth time and again. They deserve the best kind of storage and a wonderful display in every household. We truly believe that these clever storage ideas will surely prove just as effective if you give them a chance!


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